So how on earth did I get to this point in my life!??
I turned 50, I was running a successful recruitment company in Bangkok with 50+ staff... then one day my husband says let's throw in the jobs and go travelling... there's so much of the world to see! Once the shock wore off, I decided it wasn't such a bad idea. I was no longer enjoying my job, for various reasons, we were at a stage in life where we weren't tied down to anything. I thought, if it doesn't work, we just come back!!! A momentous decision in life. But a great one! ... so here we are about to embark on a 12 months backpacking adventure as 50+ year olds... travelling from Bangkok to Cape Town by LAND.... no planes! (Yes just think about that!) We are at the age, we don't have anything to worry about. But also not too old to really travel. We are still active and fit. Our minds are still there. I didn't want to wait until we were older and at that "accepted" retirement age as who knows how we will be. I want to be able to really experience the world. Be able to hike, paddle... cope with the various languages and not stress too much when things went wrong (no matter how bad!). So here I am in the last few days... trying to prepare... we have an informal leaving party in 2 days... a "clean out the pantry / fridge / bar party" where we get everything out and see what we can make to feed people! Very funny given how much preparation normally goes into our dinner parties! What fine dining can one do with a can of tuna and fish fingers!? Now I'm racing around doing all the last minute stuff - making sure there is limited mail. Going to banks getting e-statements not paper. Arranging bills to be direct debit etc. Car payments done in advance... there are so many small things that are really adding up to be a little stressful! Of course need a hair appointment! What I'm going to do about my hair I've no idea! So last minute good quality hair cut and deal with it later on the road! Sadly at the age where the 'natural' colours are coming through, the dilemma of what to do about colouring the hair was a challenge. In the end through discussions with my hairdresser... it's time to let go! So coloured it back as close to its natural colour as possible and now let nature take its course. I'm now not sure whether I'm scared of the travelling more or my hair! ;-) .... I think I need to book a massage ;-)
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December 2019
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